Home Cinema

4TD – Console with Drawer
.4TW- Wedge with Tray
Right Arm Recliner or Power Recliner
40″H 28.5″W 37.5″D4TL/4PL
Left Arm Recliner
or Power Recliner
40″H 28.5″W 37.5″D4TN/4PN
Versed Automation
40″H 33.5″W 37.5″D4TM/4PN
Right Wedge or Power Wedge Recliner
40″ H 33.5″W 37.5″D4TD
With Drawer
24.5″H 15″W 37.5″D4TW
With Tray
27″ H 12″ W 37.5″D
Choose from the popular configurations shown below or customise your own home theater seating.

when combining rows of theater seating, allow for a minimum of 16″ between rows. For optimal viewing, tier rows at least 6″, keeping in mind a ceiling height of 10″ may be required.